In this era, content rules. But at the same time, there's a great deal of bad content out there. To truly be assured your message is getting to your audience and to potential clients, your message and story must be compelling, clear, and manageable. It is also vital to ensure it is original, and you can only be sure of that by working with an established writer (and doing the appropriate checks).
I write for companies and for organizations as big as Cisco and SAP and as small as individuals looking for a blog or an entire book. I blend my understanding of business and of specific business verticals to create articles, speeches, and books that are enjoyable and memorable. Some of my work is called ghostwriting, in which the end product includes the client's name. These books are not something I can promote publicly, obviously, but I can share the details privately.
I have written hundreds of articles and papers over the years, the most recent of which are linked in my portfolio page.